Sunday, June 3, 2007

We've just had our first full run through. WOO HOO!!! *jumps for joy*

Everybody you were all fantastic. Just watching and being in the run through made me feel so amazing. This is the excitement that should be felt when acting. Techies, ie josh and bec, don't worry about today if you think it was that bad because it's the first time we've done it so seriously, don't beat yourselves up.

Everyone did so well but I'd like to single out a few. My "family". Holly, Daniel, Jenna and Madeline, your monolgues and etc in the second the act was, I hate to use the expression, but it was omg and so good. I sat there with my heart in my throat. But thats a credit to everyone too. If thats the passion we can create that kind of feeling in somone who has been a part of this production throughout, whats going to happen to our audience?

And now for stuff on my character development. I know I'm not there and never will be, which is why characters are always finding new ways and evolving, but when I did my monolgue today I honestly almost cried. It seriously feels that I'm talking about Jenna as if she was my own sister, which shows how much I feel like we are a real family which I hope on the night can bring out real anger and real tears. I came off shaking and I loved it.

You guys we are noww even closer. Think how good we are going to be wednesday thursday and friday. This is our production, our baby. We rock. Lets do it.


Black Josh said...

Good Call Man!!!
Great to see a positive attitude, The second act WAS awesome, the acting WAS great, and Thursday WILL go good.
Not quite beating myself up about the music (yet), just slightly disturbed that everything I had preorganised and planned crashed in a messy, gooey heap. *sigh*

Keep it up (along with our spirits), ur doin great

Jamie said...

hey kyle, great blog :) ur right, every1 has put so much into this play and now its almost over! we so have 2 bring the house down 2nite and 2mozza nite but im sure we will!!! Good luck and break a leg

knowlesey said...

Well done last night Kyle. Hope you showed those moderators what your made of, which I really thought you did! Only one more night to go!

phoebe said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. this is the first time i have been on your blog (sorry) but GOD you make me laugh. all the pictures you choose for each of the blogs made me laugh.

anyway... you are great at being the brother. all the emotions you show.. the way you sit at the table during diiner times, and of course your mono.. you have captured the way a sibling of an anorexic feels and i believe in everything you do on stage.

you are amazing.

phoebe said...

by diiner i mean dinner ;)
