Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's been a little while since I last blogged so i'm going to make this a two parter.

Part 1

We've started doing a walkthrough of Mirror Mirror by swapping people around between roles. I started off with a rather large reading as the ringmaster and really enjoyed just trying to make it as big as i could with a script in my hands. I think i'd really enjoy the part of the ringmaster just because it's a role where you can be big and massive and really a bit of a tosser (thankyou ms mace). Also, i think the part of the voice could be pretty interesting also. The voice manipulates the girl throughout the play and i think just being able to keep that focus and presence for the entire performance would be really challenging.

My thoughts on Mirror Mirror as a play? It seems like a play that done well could really hit the hearts of the people watching. I just think some parts to it feel that they really don't need to be there. I don't know what it is just some times it feels stupid. My one problem is the fact that our class doesn't have a wide variety of Ballet dancers, belly dancers, contortionists and other circus people. I know we will find a way to do this, even if it means learning it all ourselves, but it seems pretty out there.

Part 2

I'm starting to think that i should have done a bad job of a large solo part of the brother because i now know that i'm basically stuck in that part. I'm not disappointed that the brother isn't one of the MAIN parts, i'm just a bit disappointed that i didn't get what most people got, which was oppurtunities for two different roles. Being handed the one role straight away unlike other people in the class who are given chances to really impress on two different roles just made me feel a little, i don't know, less fortunate if you know wha
t i mean. I think i can do a really good job as the brother but i just would have liked a little more opportunity for the other roles and not be just cemented into a single role.


Ally said...

the only reason u were 'cemented', as u put it, is coz u were so fricken awesome. like, none of the other guys in the class have shown anything even close to what u did, ergo you are the logical choice.

that said, i know it kinda sucks. but u'll have fun with it anyway. =D

Black Josh said...

Just think of the incredible mark you're gonna get =))

jayan Mace said...

I must agree with the other comments. Good on you for recording what you were feeling about it as it will be a great base on which to compare throughout the process.
Try to think of the role in terms of who you are communicating to. It is a disease that affects more then the person it overtakes and you have a chance to show them that is ok to feel they way they do.
Still a challenge buddy, always approach it like one. The fact that you created that piece of magical reading shows amazing potential but you have to work to make it fresh everytime.
You did good kid.
Ms Mace