Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Its getting down to that crucial week of panic, screaming, crying, hating everyone and everything, Ms mace cracking the you know whats, and everything else bad that you can think of.

And yet, there really isn't much of this going on. I'm so confident about where we are at. No we haven't had an all the way through run through but we are getting close, all the costumes are almost ready, you've done an awesome job ally and helpers, our music is ready, great stuff josh dude, and we're pretty set on what happens in each scene. Guys, we're almost there now we just got to pass across that finish line. Keep it up.

I haven't mentioned this before but i have to say, the younger scenes with Jenna and I have where we have a stupid little fight are working out heaps well. I don't actually know what they look like to you guys but i think they must be ok because we've got to the stage where we are almost hurting each other hahaha.

Oh well i don't think I have much to say so i'll see you all this arvo. Keep on keeping on!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I have to say, my first impressions on performing a monologue were that you learn your lines, walk into the middle of the stage and say what you can remember with a hint of passion. Of course this isn't true but i definitely didn't think my monlogue would take as much effort and thought as it has and is. These things include:

  • Where and how it fits in the play

  • Why is it being said?

  • Where do I move? Does one emotion pull me one way and another pull me a different way?

  • What does each sentence mean?

It's just so difficult because I can have an idea of how one part should be but then I find another way or get a different idea. All these different ideas and interpretations running through my head are fantastic for building my monlogue but are confusing the hell out of me. I am so excited about performing this. I am going to be SOOOOOOO nervous.